1. Chris Clark
What I'm sending: High Rollers, Masquerade Party, Now You See It, Wheel of Fortune, Pass the Buck, Finders Keepers, Go!,
To Tell the Truth
What he's sending: Hot Potato, Card Sharks, Eye Guess, Gambit, Press Your Luck, Second Chance, Tic Tac Dough, New Treasure
Hunt, Jackpot!, Bullseye, The Joker's Wild
Did I receive my stuff?: No.
Did he receive his stuff?: No, working on it.
2. Trent McSwain
What I'm sending: What's My Line? To Tell the Truth, Body Language, Now You See It
What he's sending: Chain Reaction, The Joker's Wild, Split Second, Nothing But the Truth, Talking Pictures
Did I receive my stuff?: Yes.
Did he receive his stuff?: No, ready to send.